Indikator Pertanian Terpilih (IPT), Malaysia, 2021


Indikator pertanian terpilih menyusut dengan ketara pada 2020

Penerbitan Indikator Pertanian Terpilih, Malaysia, 2021 memaparkan statistik prestasi ekonomi, guna tenaga, pengeluaran domestik dan perdagangan luar negeri bagi sektor pertanian. Statistik ini memperincikan penemuan dari perspektif sektoral bagi tiga subsektor pertanian utama iaitu tanaman, ternakan dan perikanan serta perspektif sosial yang menyumbang kepada kedudukan ekonomi Malaysia pada tahun 2020.

Prestasi Keluaran Dalam Negeri Kasar (KDNK) Malaysia pada 2020 menyusut 5.6 peratus, dipengaruhi oleh kejatuhan semua sektor ekonomi berbanding pertumbuhan positif 4.4 peratus pada 2019. Sektor pertanian menyumbang kepada KDNK sebanyak 7.4 peratus pada 2020 dan pertumbuhan sektor ini menyusut 2.2 peratus daripada 2.0 peratus pada tahun sebelumnya. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh subsektor komoditi terutamanya kelapa sawit yang mencatatkan pertumbuhan negatif 3.6 peratus (2019: 1.5%). Walaupun kadar pertumbuhan kelapa sawit menunjukkan penurunan, namun ia merupakan penyumbang utama kepada nilai ditambah sektor pertanian dengan RM36.9 bilion atau 37.1 peratus.

Di peringkat negara ASEAN, sumbangan sektor pertanian kepada KDNK adalah di antara 0.03 hingga 22.8 peratus. Myanmar dan Kemboja merekodkan sumbangan KDNK tertinggi iaitu 22.8 peratus. Ini diikuti oleh Lao PDR (16.2%) dan Viet Nam (14.9%). Sebaliknya, Singapura mencatatkan sumbangan KDNK terendah iaitu 0.03 peratus. Malaysia berada di kedudukan kelapan dari 10 negara ASEAN. Sementara itu, semua negara mencatatkan peningkatan sumbangan sektor pertanian kepada KDNK berbanding pada 2019 kecuali Singapura.

Secara keseluruhan, pada 2020 pengeluaran tanaman komoditi utama telah mengalami penurunan berbanding 2019. Pengeluaran buah tandan segar (kelapa sawit) menurun sebanyak 2,096.1 ribu tan metrik atau 2.1 peratus namun pengeluarannya merupakan yang tertinggi bagi komoditi pertanian negara. Ini diikuti getah asli dan lada masing-masing merekodkan penurunan sebanyak 125.1 ribu tan metrik dan 3.1 ribu tan metrik.

Pengeluaran sayur-sayuran di Malaysia pula menunjukkan peningkatan 0.9 peratus pada 2020 di mana Pahang kekal sebagai pengeluar tertinggi dengan sumbangan 35.1 peratus, diikuti oleh Johor (20.2%) dan Kelantan (12.5%). Manakala pengeluaran buah-buahan pula menurun 0.7 peratus pada tempoh sama. Johor merupakan negeri tertinggi pengeluaran buah-buahan di Malaysia dengan sumbangan 36.0 peratus, diikuti Pahang (13.0%) dan Sarawak (11.2%).

Melihat kepada subsektor ternakan, bilangan ternakan dilihat meningkat kecuali bagi kerbau, bebiri dan babi. Walaupun populasi ternakan menunjukkan peningkatan, pengeluaran hasilan menurun kecuali bagi daging ayam/ itik, telur ayam/ itik dan juga susu segar. Penurunan bagi sesetengah komoditi turut dikaitkan dengan kurangnya permintaan oleh restoran, kedai makan serta hotel yang tidak beroperasi atau mengehadkan operasi kesan kepada pandemik COVID-19.

Pendaratan ikan laut pada 2020 ialah 1,383.3 ribu tan metrik, turun 5.0 peratus berbanding 1,455.4 ribu tan metrik pada 2019. Penurunan pendaratan ikan laut ini berlaku akibat kekurangan operasi vesel laut dalam kesan sekatan kemasukan semula tenaga kerja asing. Pada masa sama, pengeluaran akuakultur air payau/ masin dan air tawar juga masing-masing menurun 1.4 dan 7.1 peratus berbanding tahun sebelumnya. 

Kadar Penyertaan Tenaga Buruh (KPTB) pada 2020 menurun sebanyak 0.3 mata peratus. Bilangan penduduk bekerja pada 2020 berjumlah 14,956.7 ribu orang (2019: 15,073.4 ribu orang). Daripada jumlah penduduk bekerja, seramai 1,566.0 ribu orang (10.5%) terlibat dengan sektor pertanian dengan 67.9 peratus adalah warganegara manakala selebihnya bukan warganegara.

Jumlah eksport pertanian negara meningkat daripada RM115.5 bilion pada 2019 kepada RM118.6 bilion pada 2020. Sementara itu, jumlah import sektor pertanian turut menunjukkan peningkatan kepada RM98.0 bilion pada 2020 berbanding RM93.5 bilion pada 2019.

Menyedari kepentingan kesan pandemik terhadap pengeluaran pertanian dan harga, jaminan keselamatan makanan telah menjadi semakin penting. Ini menunjukkan bahawa terdapat keperluan untuk melihat kembali sektor pertanian sebagai sumber peluang pekerjaan berpotensi dan peningkatan pelaburan modal dalam memodenisasi sektor ini. Penekanan kepada jaminan kestabilan bekalan makanan adalah perlu terutama bagi item pertanian yang mempunyai kadar sara diri yang tidak mencukupi dan kebergantungan import yang masih tinggi. Di samping itu, penekanan juga perlu mengambil kira kebolehcapaian kepada makanan terutama kepada golongan berpendapatan rendah disebabkan faktor harga yang tidak menentu.

Selected agricultural indicators significantly narrowing down in 2020

The publication of Selected Agricultural Indicators, Malaysia, 2021 consists of statistics on economic performance, employment, domestic production and external trade in the agriculture sector. These statistics detail the findings from a sectoral perspective for the three main agriculture sub-sectors, namely crops, livestock and fisheries, as well as the social perspective that contribute to Malaysia's economic position in 2020.

Malaysia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) performance in 2020 declined 5.6 per cent influenced by the decline in all sectors of the economy as compared to a positive growth of 4.4 per cent in 2019. The contribution of the agriculture sector to Malaysia's GDP in 2020 is 7.4 per cent. The percentage growth of this sector declined 2.2 per cent from 2.0 per cent in the previous year. The decline was due to the commodity sub-sector, especially oil palm, which recorded a negative growth of 3.6 per cent (2019: 1.5%). Although the growth rate of oil palm showed a decline, it was the main contributor to the value added of the agriculture sector with RM36.9 billion or 37.1 per cent.

At the ASEAN level, the contribution of the agriculture sector to GDP was between 0.03 to 22.8 per cent. Myanmar and Cambodia recorded the highest contribution of GDP with 22.8 per cent. This was followed by Lao PDR (16.2%) and Viet Nam (14.9%). On the other hand, Singapore recorded the lowest GDP contribution of 0.03 per cent. Malaysia is ranked eighth out of 10 ASEAN countries. Meanwhile, all ASEAN countries except Singapore recorded an increase in a contribution of agriculture sector to GDP as compared to 2019.

Overall, the production of major commodity crops in 2020 has decreased as compared to 2019. The production of fresh fruit bunches (oil palm) decreased by 2,096.1 thousand tonnes or 2.1 per cent but it was the highest production in agricultural commodities. This was followed by natural rubber and pepper which recorded a decrease of 125.1 thousand tonnes and 3.1 thousand tonnes respectively.

The production of vegetables in Malaysia showed an increase of 0.9 per cent in 2020 with Pahang remained the highest producer with a contribution of 35.1 per cent, followed by Johor (20.2%) and Kelantan (12.5%). Meanwhile, fruit production decreased by 0.7 per cent during the same period. Johor was the highest producer state of fruit in Malaysia with a contribution of 36.0 per cent, followed by Pahang (13.0%) and Sarawak (11.2%).

Looking at the livestock sub-sector, the number of livestock has been increasing except for buffaloes, sheep and swine. Although the livestock population showed an increase, the production has decreased except for poultry meat, chicken/ duck egg as well as fresh milk. The decline in some commodities was also attributed to the lack of demand by restaurants, eateries and hotels that were not operating or having restriction in operations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Landings of marine fish in 2020 were 1,383.3 thousand tonnes, declined 5.0 per cent from 1,455.4 thousand tonnes in 2019. The declined was due to lack of the number of vessel operations in deep sea, resulted from the restrictions on the re-entry of foreign labour. At the same time, brackishwater and freshwater aquaculture production also decreased by 1.4 and 7.1 per cent respectively from the previous year.

The Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) in 2020 decreased by 0.3 percentage points. The number of employed person in 2020 is 14,956.7 thousand (2019: 15,073.4 thousand persons). Of the total, 1,566.0 thousand persons (10.5%) were involved in the agricultural sector. The employed person of the agricultural sector is still dominated by the citizen population with 67.9 per cent while the rest are non-citizens.

Total agricultural exports increased from RM115.5 billion in 2019 to RM118.6 billion in 2020. Meanwhile, total imports of the agriculture sector also showed an increase to RM98.0 billion in 2020 as compared to RM93.5 billion in 2019.

In cognisance of the significance of the pandemic impact on agriculture production and prices, food security has become more important. This indicates that there is a need to revisit the agriculture sector as a potential source of employment opportunities and increased capital investment in modernising this sector. Emphasis on ensuring the stability of food supply is necessary especially for agricultural items that have inadequate self-sufficiency ratio and high import dependency. In addition, emphasis should also take into account accessibility to food especially to the low-income group due to volatility of price factor.


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