Haze Phenomenon in Malaysia: Domestic or Trans-boundary Factor? by Haliza Abdul Rahman


Malaysia has been plagued for decades by periodic haze from large scale forest fires on Indonesia’s Sumatra Island, with regular spats over responsibility. There are at least third factors causing this problem. First, which classified as main factor are the actions of several oil palm plantation companies that use a slash-and-burn method to clear land for their plantations. The first factor is under the responsibility of Indonesia. Second is a nature factor, the wind that carries the haze to Singapore and Malaysia. Third factor are domestic factors in Malaysia, which activities such as industry, motor vehicle and open burning contributed and make the haze situation worst. As awareness of the source and dangers of smoke haze spread, Southeast Asian governments increasingly came under pressure from the public and civil society at the national, regional, and international level to address the haze issue.

Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261597335_Haze_Phenomenon_in_Malaysia_Domestic_or_Trans-boundary_Factor


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