International Polar Bear Day (27 February 2021)

International Polar Bear Day is an annual event celebrated 27th February every year, organized by Polar Bear International to raise awareness on the impact of global warming and reduction sea ice towards polar bear population. Stop polluting and lets save our polar bear!!

A polar bear by any other name would be the same.

Ursus maritimusThalarctos, sea bear, ice bear, Nanuq, isbjorn, white bear, beliy medved, lord of the Arctic, old man in the fur cloak, and white sea deer.

These are just some of the ways people around the world identify polar bears.

Polar bears are built for the cold.

From fur to skin, to paws and claws, learn how the sea bear’s physique is built to dominate the Arctic.


Home for polar bears is on the sea ice, where they hunt seals at open leads. Polar bears are found in five nations across the Arctic: the U.S. (Alaska), Canada, Russia, Greenland, and Norway (Svalbard). 

The sea ice is vast and ever-changing. Because of this a polar bear's home range can be enormous—far greater than any other species of bear. The size of a polar bear's range depends on two main factors: the quality of the sea ice and the availability of their seal prey.


The polar bear's life cycle is closely tied to sea ice. Polar bears rely on the ice to travel, hunt seals, breed, and in some cases, den. Scientists believe polar bears are unlikely to survive if ice-free periods exceed their fasting ability (220 days), especially in areas that lack alternate marine mammal prey.

Polar bears are strong swimmers and divers, a characteristic that allows them to swim from one ice floe to the next. But there’s a limit to how far they can swim. Long swims are especially dangerous to young cubs.

Polar bears are distinctly different from other bears

What sets the polar bear apart? Learn everything about the way they walk, talk, sleep, and roar.

For female bears, the cycle includes mating, denning, and birthing

Polar bears follow the rhythm of their internal clocks. From season to season, learn about the life cycle of the polar bear, from mating to birthing cubs, and the years that follow.

Polar bears rely sea ice to find and catch most of their prey

Polar bears are at the top of the food chain in the Arctic. Aside from humans, the only threat to polar bears are other polar bears.

Some scientists hypothesize that food stress is increasing acts of cannibalism, which historically has been a natural, but infrequent event.

What do Polar Bears eat?

Polar bears depend on the high-fat content in seal fat. The bears prey on both ringed and bearded seals across their range, but will take other prey when available.


Happy International Polar Bear Day!



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